The Great Flood of 1913

March 25, 1913 Piqua Square flooded

Piqua, Ohio 2012

Blended photo of the 1913 Flood in Piqua,Ohio, with color photo 2012 same location

1913 Flood historic photo of Market Street Bridge over the Great Miami River in Troy, Ohio

Market Street Bridge in Troy, Ohio 2012

1913 Flood Market Street Bridge in Troy, Ohio blended with overlay of 2012 location photo

The 1913 view from Grafton Hill, Dayton, Ohio during the Great Flood. Color photo made 100 years later.

Flooded Main Street at Fifth St. in Dayton, Ohio March 25, 1913

Paved and dry streets in Dayton, Ohio in 2012 with many of the same historic buildings

Main Street flooded in Dayton, Ohio. An historic photo of the Great Flood of 1913

Main Street in Dayton, Ohio 100 years later

Dayton Ohio images overlay blend that layers the 1913 flooded Main Street with 2012 photo.

Cleaning up debris on Third St. after the 1913 Flood subsided in Dayton, Ohio

2012 Third Street in Dayton, Ohio with many historic buildings intact

1913 Flood image merged with the modern Third Street old cars and street lamps combined with modern scene

32 N. Main Street from Courthouse Dayton, Ohio Flood March 26, 1913

2012 view from Courthouse Square in downtown Dayton, Ohio

1913 Flooded Street in Dayton, Ohio of first Delco building AKA Beaver Power Building

2012 Photo looking north north to view of St. Clair Lofts Apartments

1913 image of same block blended with the 2012 image, modern cars and all.

1913 historic Church in West Carrolton, Ohio

West Carrolton, Ohio 2012 image of dry street and historic church intact

1913 Flood B/W photo merged with 2012 image of West Carrolton, Ohio

Miamisburg Ohio during 1913 Flood with damaged street car on Main St.

2012 Main Street in Miamisburg, Ohio traffic with a man on motorcycle and a boat in tow. They might have been handy 100 years ago.

1913 Flood image Main Street in Miamisburg, Ohio blended with 2012 photo.

1913 Flood in Miamisburg, Ohio from high vantage point displays a flooded city

Modern higher view of Miamisburg, Ohio 2012

The 1913 Miamisburg Great Ohio Flood image blended with visuals from 2012 image. South Miamisburg view includes water works from Cedar Hill during 1913 flood

Classic B/W photo of Franklin railroad bridge at the height of the 1913 Flood.

2012 photo of the Franklin railroad bridge over the Great Miami River

1913 mage of the Franklin railroad bridge blended with the 2012 image.

1913 historic image of people looking across the Great Miami in Franklin Ohio at the Flood crest.

2012 identical view of Franklin across the Great Miami.

Black and white 1913 photo of people looking across the flooded Great Miami blended with the 2012 color image made 100 years later.

Man on horseback in the crest of flooded Third St. during the 1913 Flood in Middletown, Ohio on March 26, 1913

Looking down a dry and clean Third Street in Middletown, Ohio 2012

Cars, horses and water oh my! A Middletown Ohio 100 year blend of Then + Now 1913 - 2012

Looking north from Rentschler building in downtown Hamilton, Ohio during the 1913 Flood reveals the extent of the flooded city and surrounds.

Modern 2012 photo of Hamilton, Ohio from same vantage.

Blended photos portray Hamilton Ohio's resilience 100 years after the Great 1913 Flood. This 2013 image reveals miles of flooded streets juxtaposed with vibrant and colorful murals.